On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/04/24), Hank answers the following questions:

  • Why were the books of Ester, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes disputed at the Council of Jamnia? Steve – New York, NY (0:45)
  • According to 1 Timothy 3, can an elder or a deacon be divorced? Bobby – Cleveland, TN (3:24)
  • In the book, Radical by David Platt, is the teaching about giving up everything biblical? Jim – Westfield, NJ (6:00)
  • Why is Satan depicted as a mythical dragon in the Book of Revelation? Don – Phenix, VA (8:24)
  • If a Christian commits suicide, will they go to heaven or hell? Elaina – Springfield, MO (15:12)
  • What is the Gospel of Judas? Sharon – Westport, AR (18:12)
  • Who has the right to the land of Israel? What are they fighting over? Ryan – Nashville, TN (20:16)

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