On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/27/24), Hank answers the following questions:

  • What are your thoughts on those who speak against tongues and say that every church that practices it are into extremes? Tim – Leavenworth, KS (1:01)
  • Can you address Oneness Pentecostalism? Is it true that they hold to modalism? Matt – Charlotte, NC (6:02)
  • What do you mean when you say all analogies for the Trinity break down? Matt – Charlotte, NC (9:42)
  • Can a Christian be directly responsible for someone not coming to salvation? Jim – Atlanta, GA (15:11)
  • Can you explain the Sabbath in light of Colossians 2:16? Brian – Peñuelas, PR (20:02)
  • What are your thoughts on Lectio Divina? Is this form of Bible study helpful or does it put too much emphasis on our own interpretation? Bob – Washington, DC (23:54)


Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:

Spiritual Gifts: The Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts

Scripture vs. the Spiritual Gifts

Memorable Keys to the F-A-R-C-E of Evolution by Hank Hanegraaff

Is the Trinity Biblical?

Is Oneness Pentecostalism biblical?

Sharing Your Faith with a Oneness Pentecostal (Part 1)

Sharing Your Faith with a Oneness Pentecostal (Part 2)

The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collector’s Edition, Revised and Expanded by Hank Hanegraaff

Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life by Hank Hanegraaff

Is Soul Sleep Biblical?

Why do Christians worship on Sunday rather than on the Sabbath day?

Should We Keep the Sabbath?

Is Seventh-Day Adventism Orthodox?

Has God Spoken? Memorable Proofs of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration by Hank Hanegraaff


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