On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/03/20), Hank opens by doing some “clean-up” from yesterday’s broadcast; he was asked by a caller about a group her daughter encountered that believed—among other things—that it would not be Jesus who would come a second time, but Adam. Not sure of which group she was referring to, Hank said that he would research and return, something that we should all practice when dealing with questions to which we do not know the answer. And so after doing some research, Hank discovered the cult that seems to be what she encountered and relays the information on this group. Hank also encourages listeners to start off 2020 on solid footing by reading the Bible. All too many suppose that the overcoming life can be achieved apart from the embrace of life practices like reading the Bible—but it can’t. Reading through the Bible may be a daunting proposition, but it’s a necessary one. And because it’s necessary, Hank developed the Legacy Reading Plan, free of charge at equip.org. The plan is unique in that it requires you to process books of the Bible rather than piecing together bits of books. Nothing should take precedence over getting into the Word and getting the Word into us, because if we do not regularly feed on the Word of God, we’re going to suffer spiritual consequences.