On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (02/14/24), Hank discusses the origins of Valentine’s Day, looking at the Orthodox Church’s veneration of Saint Valentine, the Presbyter from Rome, for his martyrdom and as for all its saints, honors St. Valentine as a model of the life in Christ. According to The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, the traditional association of St. Valentine’s Day with courtship is likely connected with certain customs of the pagan festival Lupercalia. If so, this would be another example of Christians usurping a pagan holiday and Christianizing it for the glory of Christ.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- What are your thoughts on street preachers who publicly denounce people? How should I handle a situation where I have a friend doing this? Josh – Everett, WA (15:11)
- Can you clarify the Bible’s use of the words, “put away” and “divorce”? My wife divorced me. Can I get remarried? Derek – Fayetteville, NC (21:11)
- What are your thoughts on the documentary hypothesis for the Pentateuch? Do you think there could have been two different sources for this? Tom – NY (24:07)
Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:
“Biblical Grounds for Divorce and Remarriage”
“The “Jesus Seminar”: The Quest for the “Imaginary” Jesus”
“How Challenging the Verdict Fails to Overturn The Case for Christ”
“The Mysterious Case of the Missing Q”
“The Lost Gospel of Q: Fact or Fantasy?”