On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/27/20), Hank discusses the certainty of death in the wake of the death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash along with eight others yesterday, including one of his daughters. Many people over the last 24 hours have asked the question “Why did Kobe die?” Truthfully, says Hank, that “why” question rarely, if ever, finds an answer. Instead, we are called to trust God in the midst of our “whys.” We are called to prepare for eternity as if everything depended on it—because it does. In the second segment of the broadcast, Hank takes the opportunity to say something about the beginning of life. A recent caller on the broadcast asked about reproductive technologies, often referred to IVF—In vitro fertilization or fertilization in a glass. It’s an increasingly popular form of reproduction that raises significant moral concerns in this epoch of time.