On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (02/08/23), Hank points to the fine-tuning of the universe as a powerful proof for a sovereign Creator. Using the example of gravity, Hank affirms that only the infinite mind of God could fine-tune the universe so perfectly.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- Is the message of Robert Schuller and Joel Osteen just mixing Christian terms with modern psychology, or is there a real danger in their teaching?
- How would you respond to a pastor that says Joel Osteen is missing the mark, but some may come to Christ because of him?
- Could you explain the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis chapter 15?
- Is there a reason why people in Genesis lived so long? Can I take that literally?
- We were approached by Mormons who talked to us about the Book of Mormon. It sounds suspicious; what are your thoughts?