On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (03/05/19), Hank brings attention to two resources that are available to those that support the ministry of the Christian Research Institute and the Bible Answer Man broadcast, The Divine Conspiracy and The Spirit of the Disciplines, both by Dallas Willard. Both are books that Hank has read many times and values greatly and that is why we are making them available to you all this month. Hank shares a quote from Dallas Willard in his book, The Spirit of the Disciplines that underscores the importance of the spiritual disciplines. We have a head full of ideas, but a body unable to fend off sins. Why? Because we have not practiced the disciplines that Jesus Christ made plain for us during his earthly sojourn.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- Is the data in your book The Face That Demonstrates The Farce of Evolution still relevant today?
- Can you speak on the importance of recognizing our spiritual gifts?
- What is your position on what the Bible says about the age of the Earth?
- Is there anything in the Bible about abortion or birth control?