On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/20/18), Hank notes that today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is an event to pay tribute to the many transgender people who have lost their lives to violence. The narrative is clear—those who would so much as bat an eye at transgenderism are bigots who once fueled the fires of racism in America, standing against tolerance and acceptance. However, as Hank points out, no authentic Christian stands against persons—much less kills them for their choices. What Christians are taught to do is to stand for principles of the kingdom for the sake of those for whom they genuinely care. Hank also highlights a review of the film Boy Erased titled “Ministry to Homosexuals on Trial in a Theater Near You” written by Joe Dallas, which is available on our website at equip.org. The film is based on Gerrard Conley’s autobiography of the same title and is his account of the two weeks he spent in a program to reverse his sexual orientation. The film raises some questions about the accuracy of its portrayal of Conley’s experience, as it veered from the book in some of its most dramatic moments—clearly distorting the story.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- What is Universalism?
- In John 9, why did the disciples think that the man born blind had sinned?
- Why did Jesus heal the blind man at Bethsaida twice?
- Was Jesus’ temptation similar to ours? How could that be if he didn’t have the original sin that we were born with?