On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/02/18), Hank calls on everyone who takes the sacred name of Jesus Christ on their lips to vote in the U.S. midterm elections taking place right now. We ought not to abdicate our responsibility to vote. It is important for us to seize every opportunity to make our voices heard—to be a clarion call to a culture that is devolving before our eyes. Hank also gives an update on the final appeal of Asia Bibi in Pakistan, letting listeners know that the Supreme Court of Pakistan overturned Asia’s death sentence. But as a result of this ruling, violent protests have erupted in Pakistan by Muslims who support the blasphemy laws. Mobs are calling for Asia’s public hanging and the dissolution of the Pakistan government, as well as calling for the deaths of the Supreme Court Justices who ruled on her appeal.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- Why did Mary give a sin offering if she was without sin?
- My prayer group is going to see these so-called modern day apostles. How do I confront them about this?
- Does the law of divorce in Deuteronomy 24 apply to us today?