On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (06/03/20), Hank reflects on the past year, with tomorrow marking the day a year ago that he went into the hospital to prepare for a transplant that succeeded in curing his stage 4 Mantle cell lymphoma. Hank gives his appreciation to all of those who have kept him in their prayers over the year and is deeply grateful to God that He has restored him and that there is no sign of Mantle cell lymphoma.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- Are there any practical reasons why God chose to reveal Himself through the Jewish people rather than the Japanese, Greeks, or Mayans?
- Do children pay for their parents’ sins?
- Is the story of Noah’s ark a parable?
- Why doesn’t the Black Lives Matter movement focus on abortion in addition to their protest against police brutality? Why does the Church not talk about abortion?