On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/11/20), Hank reminds listeners that today is a special day; today is Veterans Day. A day in which Americans honor those that have served in the United States Armed Forces. Today was not always known as Veterans Day, it originated in 1919 as Armistice Day, a day that commemorates “the war to end all wars”—or so it was thought by President Woodrow Wilson. Armistice Day was formally changed to Veterans Day in 1954—and for good reason. World War I was not “the war to end all wars.” World War II followed closely on its heels, and the twentieth century would become the bloodiest in human history. We have come to realize that the very notion of world peace—the idea behind Armistice Day—will never be realized until the Prince of Peace returns to the planet. Only then will world peace be inaugurated. In the meantime, we rightly celebrate Veterans Day. For there will always be veterans, just as there will always be wars. Which begs the question that Hank wants to address on today’s broadcast: under what conditions is war justified?