On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/27/20), Hank talks about a commercial that caught his attention while watching the news. The commercial depicts a mysterious cloud and a voice asking, “Do you know for sure when you die if you are going to heaven or not?” Then the voice gives an invitation to go online via a particular website address shown on the screen apparently to discover the answer. On the website, you are provided with a typical, concise Evangelical presentation of the problem of sin and God’s resolution in the Gospel, and you are invited to pray a version of the sinner’s prayer. While this all seems sincere, is it true that one can know for sure that their sins are forgiven and that they have eternal life simply by praying such a prayer? This is a bold and expensive evangelistic program by which people might possibly come to a profession of the Christian faith, but one which smacks of easy-believism. And even if a follow-up encounter encourages the individual with further online materials, at best it will fill them with information, which will be woefully inadequate for true reformation. What we need to do is look more closely at Scripture and Sacred Tradition to answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?”