Test Everything
Great to be in the studio taking your questions throughout the United States and Canada! There are so many people who stand with this ministry prayerfully and financially, touching the lives of people, whom they’ll only...
Read MoreGreat to be in the studio taking your questions throughout the United States and Canada! There are so many people who stand with this ministry prayerfully and financially, touching the lives of people, whom they’ll only...
Read MoreI hope you are with me in the Legacy Reading Plan. If you are, you are somewhere in February between Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. I just finished Leviticus so I’m starting the fourth book of Moses called...
Read MoreIt is a delight to be in the studio again today as we talk about reading through the Bible for all it’s worth. We’ll go to your questions in just a moment, but let’s take a couple of moments about my occasional...
Read MoreAs most of you know by now we are dedicating this year, our 50th year of ministry, to the problem of biblical illiteracy. As I have said so often, this is not a problem, it is the problem. So we are urging people to get into the...
Read MoreIf you’re following the Legacy Reading Plan, you’re in the book of Leviticus right now. It’s one of the most incredible books in all of Scripture in that it is a manual of the types and shadows that underscore...
Read MoreI am reading through the book of Leviticus, I hope you are as well, as part of following the Legacy Reading Plan. In fact, just a few moments ago, I was reading Leviticus chapter 8, where the priest put blood on the lobe of his...
Read MoreThree days from today we begin with Leviticus in the Legacy Reading Plan. So if you’re in the Legacy Reading Plan, you should be finishing up Genesis and starting Exodus right now. Of course, Genesis and Exodus are full of...
Read MoreListen to the complete broadcast! I have promised to bug every one of you until you get into the Word of God and get the Word of God into you, and of course, I want to put into your hands the Legacy Reading Plan. ...
Read MoreListen to the Complete Broadcast! I’m going to be harping on this all year long. I hope nobody believes that I am nagging them, although maybe I am. I want you to get into the Word of God and get the Word of God...
Read MoreTomorrow is the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which of course, is the 1973 Supreme Court, and I thought on the eve of that anniversary, we should take an Old Testament history lesson to heart. For hundreds of years, the Lord...
Read More“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer...
Read MoreThe tragedy in Haiti is all over the news, and it is a stark reminder that life is paper-tissue thin. Last week I participated in the funeral of a friend, and each day the obituary column is replete with new fresh...
Read MoreAs we start out the broadcast today, I want to say just a couple of worlds about the Legacy Reading Plan. We’ll be talking about this a little more tomorrow, but this reading plan is an innovative approach to reading...
Read Moreas we approach Christmas—we’re getting closer and closer every day—we are attempting to get people to prepare their hearts for Christmas, just as they so often prepare their homes. Today, I want to spend...
Read MoreI was at a debate this past weekend that featured Christopher Hitchens, and during the debate he made a big point of the notion that miracles such as the virgin birth should be discounted because they are absurd in the age of...
Read MoreI was thinking the other day about the early 90’s, and being with Chuck Colson in Chicago when he was receiving The Templeton Award, and he talked about the enduring revolution of the cross. In his message and acceptance...
Read MoreWithin my “Legacy Study Bible Reading Plan,” we are now in November and staring to read the book of Romans. You want to get into Romans, one of the great pieces of literature in general, but from the perspective of a...
Read MoreAt the Christian Research Institute, it’s Christmas a couple of months early, and the reason for this is not just because we want to you get a book this year; rather, we want you to experience a tradition, and I want to...
Read MoreI was aware of and had even begun reading Richard Dawkins’ new book, The Greatest Show on Earth, but then I saw the promotional material around it and it’s absolutely shocking. On the dust jacket inside cover...
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