1993 Fall


Feature Articles:

The 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions: Interreligious Dialogue or New Age Rally? (Part 1) by Elliot Miller

Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Philosophy ? by Ronald Nash

Enter the Dragon? Wrestling with the Martial Arts Phenomenon: The Historical-Philosophical Backdrop (Part 2) by Erwin deCastro, B. J. Oropeza, and Ron Rhodes

Philosophical Problems with Moral Relativism by Francis J. Beckwith

Witnessing Tips:

Witnessing to Muslims (Part 3) by Don McCurry

Book Reviews:

Oneness Pentecostalism and the Trinity and Trinity and Process: A Critical Evaluation and Reconstruction of Hartshorne’s Di-Polar Theism Towards a Trinitarian Metaphysics by Gregory Boyd reviewed by William D. Watkins


Is Science a Help or Threat to Faith? by J. P. Moreland