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Fares Abraham is a Palestinian Christian. He was born in the West Bank. His wife was born in Gaza—in the Al-Ahli Baptist hospital recently bombed despite the belief that a Christian hospital was the safest place to be in all of Gaza. How should Christians respond to the tragedies taking place in Israel and Palestine?
First and foremost, we must pray for peace—for all people. We are all made in the image of God and we must pray for both Israelis and Palestinians—for the Israeli leaders and even the leaders of Hamas who committed unspeakable atrocities. Let us remember that the Apostle Paul once persecuted—terrorized—Christians before his life was transformed by Gospel of peace. Pray that the Lord will raise up leaders who pursue peace and turn tragedy into triumph.
Fares Abraham has dedicated his life to fulfilling the Great Commission through the work of Levant Ministries which is committed to seeing “the Middle East healed and restored by the love and hope of Jesus Christ.” May we join him in prayer for the peace that surpasses all understanding and the renewal of all things.
A Statement on the Holy Land War by Fares Abraham: Statement on the War in the Holy Land – Levant Ministries
For more information on related topics please see Hank’s books, The Apocalypse Code: Find out What the Bible Really Says About the End Times and Why It Matters Today and MUSLIM: What You Need to Know About the World’s Fastest Growing Religion.
Topics discussed include: Fares Abraham shares his personal history with the Al-Ahli Baptist hospital in Gaza (3:45); the work of Levant Ministries in the Middle East (8:20); growing up in Palestine as a Christian (10:45); the dangers of incorrect theology and the Middle East (14:15); the situation in Gaza (22:00); condemning the heinous attacks by Hamas against Israel (34:25); addressing Christian apathy in the face of fulfilling the Great Commission (45:05); a Christian perspective on Islamic terrorism—was the Apostle Paul a terrorist before his conversion? (50:30).
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