The sermons of St. John Chrysostom are some of the richest classical commentaries on the Christian life. Rev. Dr. Bogdan Bucur joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss Chrysostom’s Christian classic On Wealth and Poverty. Throughout their conversation he eloquently reminds listeners that it is not enough to simply read and exegete the Bible—Christians must put our faith into practice as we experience and absorb the Lord into our lives. 

Topics discussed include: Why do socialism and communism appeal to so many millennials in the West? (4:25); Why is Second Temple Judaism so important to Christianity? Is Christianity a kind of Judaism? (9:00); the significance of the continuity of the Christian faith (12:45); discussing what are considered canonical or noncanonical books of the Bible (19:25); the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (29:05); the importance and implications of attention to detail in translations, especially biblical translations (31:50); responding to millennials interested in socialism (34:50); the real definition of wealth and poverty from a spiritual perspective (38:35); the importance of putting the Gospel into practice (42:45); it is not only important to give, but to develop a spirit of giving—how we give matters (49:30); the profundity of St. John Chrysostom (54:00); Christians must use their time wisely and put their faith into practice (1:02:00); the twin evils of indifference and curiosity (1:08:05); using the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic to remember the importance of community and service in the Christian life (1:11:30); learning to view one another holistically (1:17:05); both wealth and poverty offer opportunities for ascetic practices (1:22:30); the great chasm between virtue and vice (1:25:00).   

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