Please see the video interview here.
Does Church history matter? In an age marked by division, Christians of all traditions can almost assuredly agree that we are currently living in an age of cultural decline. Believing in the transformational power of historical understanding, Fr. John Strickland has written a monumental four-part history of Christendom—from the first millennium of Christendom which he deems “the age of paradise” to our current cultural condition which he labels “the age of nihilism.” In addition to this podcast, Fr. John Strickland will join Hank Hanegraaff on Hank Unplugged for four subsequent episodes focused on four individual periods of Church history.
On this introductory episode Fr. John Strickland provides an overview of his analysis and answers the question of whether or not church history matters with a resounding yes, while encouraging Christians to seek the solution to our current cultural decline by returning to the deep past of early Christendom—the age of paradise.
Topics discussed include: Why did Fr. John Strickland write a four-volume history of Christianity from Pentecost to the present day? (9:15); how the three major secular ideologies of the 20th century—Communism, Nazism and Secularism—are all the byproducts of a false view of Christianity (14:45); the distinction between culture and civilization (22:00); NOT SURE (30:00); Pentecost and the significance of the liturgical life of the early Christians (36:15); an overview of the Great Schism of 1054—the Great Divide of Christendom (41:35); the conciliar fashion of the early Church leadership (47:00); the Filioque and the importance of apostolic doctrinal integrity (55:15); the Papal reformation—the time from the Great Schism to the Protestant Reformation (58:20); the importance of perpetuating the faith of the early Christians and the dangers of doctrinal innovation (1:06:15); the iconoclastic reformation—creating further artistic and ideological division between the East and the West (1:12:45); a good place without God is nowhere—the answers to our current cultural decline is to look to the deep past of early Christendom (1:17:15); our current age of nihilism is what happens when you try to create a utopia without God (1:22:15); why is the Sacramental life so important? (1:25:15); The Age of Paradise: Christendom from Pentecost to the First Millennium (1:28:00); The Age of Division: Christendom from the Great Schism to the Protestant Reformation (1:30:45); The Age of Utopia: Christendom from the Renaissance to the Russian Revolution (1:34:15); The Age of Nihilism: Christendom from the Great War to the Culture Wars (1:40:15).
For more information on receiving The Age of Paradise, The Age of Division, The Age of Utopia, and the Age of Nihilism individually, as a package of two or three or the full 4 Volume set for your partnering gift please click here.
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