Like millions of others concerned about their health, Hank Hanegraaff never knew which diet plan to trust, but he believes that he has found the secret to healing the whole of you–body, mind and spirit. Eat, Fast, Feast: Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul — A Christian Guide to Fasting is the latest book by Jay Richards, outlining a plan based on the ancient Christian practice of intermittent fasting that can help you experience deeper life in Christ while getting healthier physically. This podcast features a conversation between Hank and Jay in which they discuss the benefits of fasting and a six-week plan for a powerful paradigm shift that could make this the healthiest year of your life.
Topics discussed include: The impact that reading Eat, Fast, Feast had on Hank’s cancer treatment and going into remission (1:30); why Jay Richards believes that it is no coincidence that a decrease in fasting has led to an increase in diseases of civilization such as heart disease, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cancer (6:25); why our bodies are designed for fasting (12:05); why did Christians stop fasting? (17:25); did Jesus assume that His followers would fast? (20:45); why should we care about early Christian practice today? (24:20); examining the practice of intermittent fasting (29:45); is dietary fat bad for us? (37:20); are all calories equal? (40:45); the difference between dieting and fasting (43:25); the benefits of combining a ketogenic diet with fasting (46:25); the problem with carbohydrates (48:40); the importance of consuming water and salt (52:10); do our bodies have two brains? (55:25); the growing evidence that fasting can fight diseases such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, cancer, etc. (57:05); getting your body into recycle and repair mode (59:25); examples of fasting incorrectly (1:02:40); the physical and spiritual benefits of the Christian seasons of fasting (1:04:25); Darwinian associations with various diets (1:07:40); does feasting lose it’s significance without fasting? (1:11:05); how do our taste buds change? (1:13:15); are there health benefits of alcohol (1:15:30); the problem with “nutritionalism” and reducing food to its chemical composition (1:16:25); Eucharistic symbolism and understanding our body soul unity (1:18:05); the loss of fasting as an ordinary part of the Christian life for many modern Christians (1:20:35); what to expect if you follow Jay Richards’ 6 week fasting routine (1:22:35).
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