In a special edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast, Hank Hanegraaff offers an exclusive preview of his new book, Truth Matters, Life Matters More. Essentially, Truth Matters, Life Matters More is two books in one. Because truth matters, part one memorably equips readers in the essential truth of the Christian faith. In part two Hank explains why life matters more and how we can experience the height of human existence—union with God. Simply put, the map is not the territory. The menu is not the meal. We cheat ourselves of authentic union with Christ when we elevate the message above the Messenger. Hanegraaff earnestly believes that Truth Matters, Life Matters More is his magnum opus and the crowning achievement of over 3 decades in ministry. To get your copy of Truth Matters, Life Matters More visit
Topics discussed include: Hank Hanegraaff begins by explaining why he felt the need to compose Truth Matters, Life Matters More as two books in one (0:00); an exclusive listen to the audiobook reading of the introduction to part two of the Truth Matters, Life Matters More, titled Life Matters More read by Hank Hanegraaff (18:40); Hanegraaff thanks the audience for listening and reminds listeners that Truth Matters, Life Matters more is available for your support of the Christian Research Institute at (36:30).
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