Nathan Jacobs is a renaissance man. As an artist, author, philosopher, professor and filmmaker, Dr. Jacobs is truly an inspirational, informative and interesting individual. He joins Hank Hanegraaff for a series of podcasts seeking to better explain Eastern Orthodoxy and explain away many of the most common misconceptions people have about Eastern Orthodoxy. In this podcast they discuss Hank’s passionate desire for the Christian world to experience fusion in the essentials of the historic Christian faith as an answer to the Lord’s High Priestly Prayer that called for unity among the followers of Christ.
Topics discussed include: Hank discusses his passionate desire for Christianity to experience fusion in the essentials of the Christian faith as an answer to the Lord’s High Priestly Prayer calling for unity among Christians (0:50); how do different denominations in Christianity see one another? (8:20); not viewing the Christian life as a binary action, but as a journey toward union with God (17:05); the importance of humility in the Christian faith (23:40); baptismal regeneration (28:00); how to view the film Becoming Truly Human by Nathan Jacobs (33:20).
Learn more in chapter six “Fusion: The Secret to Global Transformation” in Hank’s newest book Truth Matters, Life Matters More.
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