Luke Goodrich is the vice president and senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, where he has won multiple Supreme Court victories for clients like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby. As one of America’s preeminent religious liberty attorneys, Goodrich understands the importance of religious freedom and joins Hank to discuss his book Free to Believe, why religious freedom matters and practical steps Christians can take to respond to the most pressing religious freedom conflicts of the 21st century.
Topics discussed include: What does the Bible say about religious freedom and how should Christians view religious freedom conflicts? (5:30); recalling the power of prayer in relation to a Supreme Court victory for The Little Sisters of the Poor (14:45); the importance of Christian unity and what we can learn from the history of Quakers in America (17:20); why did Luke Goodrich write Free to Believe? (23:05); the origins of religious freedom (28:00); stories of religious freedom conflicts from the Bible (35:30); examining the five most pressing religious freedom issues today (41:35); three common ways that Christians approach the issue of religious freedom (45:10); why should religious freedom matter to non-religious people? how does religious freedom benefit society as a whole? (48:30); the problem with organizations like the Freedom From Religion Foundation and why religion should be protected as a force for good in society (56:15); the Founders intention for America to be a moral and religious nation and why the system only works when attached to moral principles (1:04:10); the issue of same-sex marriage and religious freedom (1:06:35); abortion, physician assisted suicide and religious freedom (1:13:05); how should Christians respond to religious freedom conflicts? (1:17:10); will gay rights trump religious freedom? (1:20:20); why should Christians protect the religious freedom of other religions like Islam? (1:25:45); how does separation of church and state require government and religion to engage in the public square? (1:31:35); different ways that the Supreme Court is ruling in favor of religious freedom and why Goodrich wants to encourage American Christians to always place their hope in God over government (1:32:40).
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