Please note this video interview is broken into different parts click here for part one ,part two. part three part four. part five.
Who is responsible for murdering the wonder of womanhood? Despite what many would like to believe, “smashing the patriarchy” and promoting the ideology of feminism doesn’t empower women—it erases women. After 50 years of radical feminism our culture today cannot even define what is a woman. And still, feminists cling to their illusions of liberation. Today’s guest, Carrie Gress, punctures the myths of feminism, claiming that only a rediscovery of true womanhood can pull our society back from the brink.
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Topics discussed include: Why has feminism tried to eradicate the unique femininity of women? (4:30); how has smashing the patriarchy destroyed women? (7:25); what does it mean that our culture can no longer define what a woman is? (11:05); the ABC’s of feminism—abortion, birth control and casual sex (14:00); why hasn’t feminism been challenged? (16:05); is feminism the most powerful brand in the world? (17:30); the lost girls—the broken women at the roots of feminism (20:00); the overwhelming significance of the French Revolution on our world today—including feminism (22:30); the connection between feminism, transgenderism and Frankenstein (23:50); the role that romanticism played in the widescale adoption of feminism (26:40); the problematic history of first wave feminism (30:50); the connection between abolitionism and feminism—the early stages of race and gender issues we find with critical race theory (36:45); what was the impact of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan? (38:55); the connection between feminism and Marxism (42:15); the connection between feminism and lesbianism (45:15); the radical litany of Kate Millett and how it has influenced our culture today (46:50); The Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism and CRT (49:05); birth control—the disastrous consequences of the pill (54:05); the evolution of abortion—from safe, legal and rare to celebrating abortion (56:00); the mean girls—feminists in power today controlling the cultural narrative (57:30); is the essence of feminism the preaching of discontent and resentment to women? (1:01:45); John Money and the invention of gender identity (1:04:45); the connection between birth control and gay marriage (1:07:20); the radical redefinition of words today (1:08:55); the radically deformative realities of gender transitions (1:11:30); how do cultures die? with the absence of monogamy, faith and reason (1:16:45); who are the flyover women and why do they give Carrie Gress hope? (1:19:25); the unique wonder of womanhood—why have so many women forgotten their superpower? (1:21:25); how important is gender differentiated parenting? (1:22:45); is it possible to redefine and reclaim feminism? (1:24:30).
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