Please see the video interview here!

Tradition has become a dirty word to many Christians in the West, often pitting Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition against one another. However, if Holy Tradition is Scripture rightly understood then there is no need for them to be viewed in conflict. Hank Hanegraaff believes that the West would do well to recapture the spiritual power of Holy Tradition that has provided Christians throughout history with the spiritual practices meant to bring us closer to Christ. As Yaroslav Pelikan so eloquently wrote in The Vindication of Tradition,” Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.” Simply put, Tradition is severely misunderstood by many, so Hank Hanegraaff, Francis Chan and Metropolitan Yohan discuss Holy Tradition and Francis Chan ends this discussion series with a plea for Christians to dialogue in a spirit of brotherly love, humility and unity.

Topics discussed include: Are Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition in conflict? (0:00); in defense of Holy Tradition—“Tradition is the living faith of the dead, traditionalism is the dead faith of the living” (5:35); how can we understand Holy Traditions? (11:30); why are Holy Traditions important? (15:00); the biblical practice of Confession (20:35);       church is not about hearing a great sermon it is about worshiping God—the Sacramental life is a life of worshiping God (23:30); Francis Chan makes a plea for Christians to dialogue in a spirit of brotherly love, humility and unity (38:35).

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