Hell can be hard to explain. Professor Louis Markos joins Hank to discuss how works of art can help us understand and explain complex topics like hell, which is the topic of Markos’ feature article in the Christian Research Journal titled How Dante’s Inferno Can Help Explain Hell to Modern Seekers. This is a high energy, passionate conversation covering a wide range of topics that we promise you won’t want to miss. Subscribe today and receive this as your first issue, please click here to learn more.
Topics discussed include: Is cultural apologetics important? (4:05); the relationship between art and the incarnation (8:30); are icons idols or a window into another world? (10:30); the depth of Dante’s Inferno (20:30); the two meanings of the word comedy (23:40); evil is perverted goodness (26:30); the power of symbolism in the practice of sacraments in the church such as baptism (36:00); what is hell? (44:40); comparing The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis and Dante’s Divine Comedy (46:40); do we have free will? what is free will? (48:40); is white-collar crime worse than blue-collar crime? (54:10); the essence of sin is the perversion of good (56:25); should reading be considered a spiritual discipline? (1:01:40); Bart Ehrman and the importance of reading the Bible in the proper context (1:13:20); the importance of asking the question “is it true?” (1:17:45); what does Heaven mean? (1:21:00); is the Bible perfect? (1:28:25); the significance of tradition in relation to the Bible (1:31:05).
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