“Solo Scriptura” — not sola Scriptura — is a disease of rampant innovation and a failure to respect Holy Tradition. Blaise Pascal speaking in the seventeenth century might just as well have been talking about the twenty-first: “Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.” As such, Hank Hanegraaff has dedicated this special edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast to discuss the imprudence of “solo Scriptura” with the sincere hope that in place of “solo Scriptura,” incessant innovation, and disregard for the Holy Traditions of the Church, the body of Christ may again return to “what has been believed everywhere, always, and by all” (St. Vincent of Lérins). Protopresbyter George Florovsky explained that Holy Tradition is neither “an independent instance, nor a complementary source of faith. Ecclesiastical understanding could not add anything to Scripture. But it was the only means to ascertain and to disclose the true meaning of Scripture. Tradition was, in fact, the authentic interpretation of Scripture. And in this sense, it was coextensive with Scripture. Tradition was actually Scripture rightly understood.” (Attribution to Florovsky was inadvertently left out of Hank’s quotation in the recording.) For bibliographical data and documentation of sources, see Hank’s From the President column, in the forthcoming (Fall 2022), “The Imprudence of ‘Solo Scriptura,’” in Christian Research Journal, vol. 45, no. 02/03 (2022).
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