America is running out of time. Our republic is suffering the biggest crisis since the Civil War, with competing visions of freedom pushing us to the precipice of cultural self-destruction. In his new book, Last Call for Liberty, Os Guinness explains that America has become a house divided, and Americans must make up their minds as to which freedom to follow. Will the torch of freedom be handed to someone else or be extinguished altogether? If you care about American liberties and the future of our nation, Last Call for Liberty is an absolute must read. What will become of America the beautiful? Find out what Os Guinness has to say on this essential edition of Hank Unplugged.
Topics discussed include: the persecution of Christians in China (5:00); how Christians have become the most widely persecuted people of faith in the world (6:30); the Williamsburg Charter and what will become of religious freedom in America (7:55); America is increasingly divided and facing the gravest internal crisis since the Civil War (10:15); why Utopian revolutions often lead to evil outcomes (13:10); how America’s genius for freedom has become its biggest threat, and the totalitarian implications of technology (17:25); the roots of the current riots in France (19:25); the rarity of free societies, and why the future of America is actually the future of the world (22:15); what is freedom? The contrast between negative and positive freedom (29:45); the scandal of the American church not having more cultural influence given the amount of Christians in America (32:25); the deadliest philosophical atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the idea of slave morality (36:00); the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, and the NFL (42:00); Exodus and the origin of American freedom (45:25); is America becoming a “cut flower” civilization? (46:50); social justice warriors and biblical views of justice (52:45); the paradox of freedom — the greatest enemy of freedom is freedom itself (58:35); the need for historical literacy and linguistic competence (1:01:10); freedom of religion and conscience has never been more important than it is today, as our world has never been as diverse and pluralistic at any point in history (1:05:10); why the philosophical foundations of self-worth, human dignity, and freedom are found in the biblical values of Christianity (1:09:20); how direct democracy can be just as dangerous as dictatorship (1:13:20); the bitter joke of Arthur Koestler as told in Last Call for Liberty (1:17:20).
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