Welcome to a special edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast where we celebrate the 100th episode of Hank Unplugged with a close, personal friend of Hank Hanegraaff who fits the billing for the podcast from its inception—truly one of the most interesting, informative and inspirational people on the planet. K.P. Yohannan is the founder of Gospel For Asia and has spent his life leading a growing gospel movement in over a dozen Asian nations. His classic book Revolution in World Missions has impacted millions of people and truly is the story of how one man can change a generation. On this edition of Hank Unplugged Yohannan joins Hanegraaff to discuss his new book Never Give Up-– the story of how the Lord carried Yohannan through the most difficult hours of his life and highlights his hope that the story of a broken man can impact a generation. We are experiencing unprecedented times. In such times people desperately need hope and courage. God brings certain books and people into our lives precisely when we need them. Never Give Up is one of those books and K.P. Yohannan is one of those people. We hope you have enjoyed the first 100 episodes of Hank Unplugged and look forward to many more—God bless!
Topics discussed include: Hank looks back on some of the guests, topics and listeners leading up to this special 100th episode of Hank Unplugged (0:25); a reflection on the first time Hank met his special guest for the 100th episode K.P. Yohannan (4:20); the origins of Gospel for Asia (7:35); the commitment of K.P. Yohannan and Gospel for Asia to the importance of establishing churches in addition to evangelization (18:15); understanding theosis and that love is the greatest of all doctrines (28:20); persecution that K.P. Yohannan and Gospel for Asia have faced and why Yohannan detailed his experience as a “broken man” in the book Never Give Up (34:10); viewing the Book of Acts as a blueprint for missions and living our lives (44:25); the importance of the church and the change K.P. Yohannan made in order to emphasize the importance of the church as the focus of his ministry (50:20); the importance of studying the early church and church history (58:20); the importance of the church and missionaries equipping Christians to plant more churches and be reproducing disciple makers (1:04:30); has the modern church become too self-centered? (1:10:00); K.P. Yohannan’s passion for the poor and how it influences the missions outreaches of Gospel for Asia in India and many other countries (1:16:25); the importance of looking for opportunities to serve the poor (1:27:00); Revolution in World Missions—what does it mean to have a revolution in world missions and how can we be a part? (1:31:50); learning to live every moment of your life in light of eternity (1:42:10).
To learn more about Never Give Up and Revolution in World Missions by K. P. Yohannan please click here.
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