Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the United States and the most powerful advocate for abortion is Planned Parenthood. Abby Johnson went from being a clinic director for Planned Parenthood to an outspoken leader of the Pro-Life movement after her life was changed while witnessing the horror of abortion take place on an ultrasound as she watched the unborn child fight—and lose—the battle for life. Her life’s mission is now to fight—and win—the battle for life.  

Topics discussed include: Abby Johnson discusses her organization And Then There Were None—a nonprofit organization that exists to help abortion clinic workers leave the abortion industry (3:45); how powerful is Planned Parenthood? (4:50); how did Abby Johnson begin her career with Planned Parenthood? (6:30); what caused Abby Johnson to leave Planned Parenthood even after winning the employee of the year award? (8:15); how watching an abortion procedure on an ultrasound exposed the evil of abortion to Abby Johnson (11:05); Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and the connection between abortion and racism (14:15); Hank Hanegraaff discusses being brought to tears while watching Abby Johnson’s movie Unplanned—especially the scene depicting The Pieces of Children Room in a Planned Parenthood clinic (18:40); And Then There Where None and the work they are doing to guide workers out of the abortion industry (22:30); Abby Johnson discusses her own two abortions, the thousands of abortions that she assisted in and the redeeming grace and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ (23:15); is Roe v. Wade reversible? (24:50); why ultrasounds are so important to exposing the truth about abortion (27:20); the fallacy of a woman’s right to choose (28:20). 

For further engagement, see the articles, “Five Questions for Pro-Life Advocates”, “Practical Apologetics: Annihilating Abortion Arguments” and “Dead Silence: Must the Bible Say Abortion Is Wrong before We Can Know It’s Wrong?

Many more articles, discussions from the Bible Answer Man and equipping tools.

For more information as it pertains to the US election, please see:  Politics for Christians: Statecraft as Soulcraft by Francis J. Beckwith.

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