The Resurrection is the quintessence of Christianity, and Dr. Gary Habermas has dedicated his life to the study and defense of the reality of the Resurrection. After all, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” Listen in as Hank and Dr. Habermas discuss the seminal event in human history as well as Dr. Habermas turning the tables and investigating Hank’s testimony and battle with cancer. This is an episode of Hank Unplugged unlike any other! (This conversation was so good and went so long that we had to break it up into two episodes. This is Part 2.)
Topics discussed include: a miracle in Hank’s life and the place of miracles in Christianity (58:45); addressing rewards in heaven (1:03:50); world religions, the reliability of Scripture, and the radical uniqueness of Jesus (1:06:05); tolerance, evidence, and the view that all religions lead to God (1:09:50); Christianity is rooted in history and evidence (1:13:55); the Resurrection as the basis for believing that miracles really do happen (1:22:00); the beauty of how Christian evidence corresponds to reality (1:24:50); why aren’t Christians doing a better job of evangelism? (1:28:00); learning from suffering, Hank discovering the reality of the Christian life and how truth matters, but life matters more (1:36:20); how Hank’s cancer has brought the Hanegraaff family closer together and closer to Christ (1:42:25); how suffering through cancer has taught Hank to feel greater empathy for others (1:46:45); Hank sharing his testimony in his first autobiographical book about discovering the authentic Christian life, called Truth Matters, Life Matters More (1:51:25); as Habermas watched his wife die of cancer, he thought, “Where would you be right now if it weren’t for the resurrection of Jesus?” (1:53:50); the best year of Hank’s life is the year he was diagnosed with cancer (1:58:30); and Habermas on writing a magnum opus on the Resurrection (1:59:35).
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