Welcome to a special edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank has been in the hospital undergoing an allogenic stem cell transplant and has been documenting his journey through a series of Facebook Live recordings that you can find on equip.org, the Bible Answer Man YouTube channel and, of course, the Bible Answer Man Facebook page. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook page to ensure that you never miss any content updates from the Christian Research Institute.

The following is the audio from Hank’s Facebook Live recording on June 11, 2019. Just prior to receiving his son Paul’s stem cells, Hank was joined in his hospital room by his sons Xander, Paul, and Dave in a meditation on faith and prayer, confronting doubt, and our call to be imitators of our great God and Savior – our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Hank has since received the transplant and is doing remarkably well! He, along with his family and the rest of the team at the Christian Research Institute appreciate your prayers and continued support as you stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the battle for life and truth.

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