Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, reads from a poignant, acutely distressing article by Ritchie Herron, “A Detransitioner’s Perspective: Awakening from the Dream of Gender Utopia,” published by Human Events. Ritchie writes and speaks in a very compelling fashion. “I was 25, an adult,” he explains, “but a vulnerable adult with high traits of autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance misuse issues. Like many, I was captured by the idea that I was less than perfect. The solution to my imperfection was to be laid on a path that would lead to a degree of unimaginable self-destruction, through irreversible surgeries that have turned me into a lifelong medical patient, reliant on synthetic hormones, as well as being under constant supervision for ongoing complications related to the deeply invasive surgery. This was all in the name of the promised Gender Utopia, where we were all free to be ourselves, express ourselves without boundaries, and celebrate our individuality in an explosion of liberation and autonomy, yet, at the age of 35, almost a decade after embarking on this deeply destructive journey, I’ve come to realize this is not the Gender Utopia we were promised.”
See Ritchie Herron, “A Detransitioner’s Perspective: Awakening from the Dream of Gender Utopia,” Human Events, September 13, 2022, https://web.archive.org/web/20220915085236/https:/www.humanevents.com/2022/09/13/a-detransitioner-s-perspective-awakening-from-the-dream-of-gender-utopia.