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Jesus’ last words to his disciples were “Go . . . and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19-20). Unfortunately, many churches are struggling to follow this commandment. In his book Reclaiming the Great Commission, Fr. Evan Armatas offers a roadmap to help us get back on track. Fr. Evan joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss the need for Christians to follow the last commandment of Christ and reclaim the Great Commission.
Topics discussed include: A modern day parable that explains why the church today is often failing to fulfill the last commandment of Christ (2:30); are evangelism programs a waste of time? (9:00); what have evangelicals discovered in their pursuit of sharing the Gospel? (11:30); is evangelism often more caught than taught? (13:45); finding ways to get out of God’s way—what are the biggest barriers that the church has erected around itself? (17:20); the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster as an example of why the Church needs to focus on the little things (25:30); what can we learn from the candle stand? (28:00); going after the Greek festivals—the issue of imbalanced identity and why culture cannot become the defining characteristic of our churches (33:05); what does it take to maintain a healthy church? (43:30); the importance of having a clearly defined identity as a Christian (56:45); growth is a byproduct of a healthy church (1:03:45); faith and planning are not mutually exclusive—on spiritual laziness and the importance of planning (1:10:45); how important is it for a church to have a strategic plan? (1:13:30); resistance is part of transformation (1:17:45); how did Hank Hanegraaff get into ministry? (1:20:45); reclaiming the great commission by equipping leaders that lead to healthy churches (1:27:45); getting back to the basics of the Christian faith (1:32:15).
For further information on how to receive Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health for your partnering gift please click here. For information on Fr. Armatas other book Toolkit for Spiritual Growth: A Practical Guide to Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving for your partnering gift, please click here.
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