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In the eyes of many, the modern church in America has become complacent and shallow—more concerned with conforming the church to the culture than the culture to the church. Today’s guest, Matthew Gallatin, joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss his journey of faith in pursuit of the authentic experience that would quench his thirst for God in a land of shallow wells.

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Topics discussed include: Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells (2:00); experiencing Seventh-day Adventism (4:45); how do Seventh-day Adventists rationalize the failed prophesies of Ellen G. White? (12:30); do you know what you believe? (13:50); is there any such thing as a non-denominational church? (18:10); how does Holy Tradition help Christians to rightly understand the Bible and their faith? (25:45); does everyone has a thirst for God? (33:00); is there any place for repetition and ritual in the Christian faith? (36:25); should our daily prayers be spontaneous or formal? (42:00); is it biblical to pray to Mary and other Saints of the Church? (44:20); recognizing the reality and importance of the Theotokos—Mary the Mother of God—to the Christian faith (47:35); viewing iconography as a spiritual reality (53:30); a form of martyrdom—when following the truth leads to losing your livelihood and loved ones (56:00); the correlation between social changes in the culture and in the church (1:08:15); the power of the sign of the cross and other transformational church practices (1:12:10); should we baptize infants? (1:15:45); the demanding nature of the Orthodox life as preparation for eternity (1:22:00).


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