​Nathan Jacobs is a renaissance man. As an artist, author, philosopher, professor and filmmaker, Dr. Jacobs is truly an inspirational, informative and interesting individual. He joins Hank Hanegraaff for a series of podcasts seeking to better explain Eastern Orthodoxy and explain away many of the most common misconceptions people have about Eastern Orthodoxy. They begin by discussing some differences between Catholicism, Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Topics discussed include: Becoming Truly Human, the documentary by Nathan Jacobs detailing the rise of the “nones,” those with no religious affiliation, in society today (2:55); comparing Catholicism, Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy (9:40); Filioque added to Nicene Creed (10:28); different conceptions of Christian anthropology (16:15); the difference between tradition and traditionalism (25:20).

To learn about the documentary Becoming Truly Human please click here. 


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