Church Unity is Not Optional. Many Christians who want unity don’t value theology or holiness. Yet, God commands all three. There must be a way to end the divisions that grieve the Holy Spirit without sacrificing truth or embracing sin. As the world grows more divided, Christians must unite—in love for the Lord and one another—as a winsome witness to the world through our oneness in Christ. Francis Chan joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss his new book Until Unity and why Christian unity is not optional. We hope that this conversation will inspire Spirit-filled people from all denominations to fight for unity with humility, gentleness and love in obedience to our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer.
“…that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”
To receive your copy of Until Unity by Francis Chan for your partnering gift please click here.
Topics discussed include: Is Christian unity possible? (4:00); taking The Lord’s High Priestly Prayer seriously (7:15); praying for Pentecost today (10:30); is Christ divided? (13:30); discussing Church schisms and essentials that Christians from different traditions can unite around (17:00); the path to unity is to love God and love others (24:00); is Christian unity optional? (29:00); can Christians pursue both truth and unity? (33:20); you can’t be proud and be close to God (38:00); God hates those who sow discord among brothers (41:30); when is unity easy? (48:45); Francis Chan used to be a Cessationist, but has now seen miracles with his own hands and eyes (58:15); should Christians be seeker sensitive or talk about tough topics like hell? (1:03:30); ways that Francis Chan has sought to follow the Lord’s will to anywhere on earth (1:08:40); the importance of having a true sense of our own mortality and how the death of Francis Chan’s family early gave him an acute sense of his own mortality (1:14:00); the importance of providing for the poor and the downtrodden (1:22:00); meditating on the message of the Lord’s High Priestly Prayer (1:26:15); how should Christians respond to trolls on the internet? (1:30:30); praying that Spirit-filled people from all denominations will fight for unity with humility, gentleness and love in obedience to our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer (1:35:30).
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