What is the Secret? Everyone wants to know the secret to life so when Rhonda Byrne claimed to find it the entire world took notice. While it is hard to believe that the culture has fallen for Byrne’s claims in The Secret it is unfathomable that so many Christians have come to believe its dubious declarations about the law of attraction—most evident in the word of faith movement. On this edition of Hank Unplugged, Hank discusses why the law of attraction is wrong and how Christians should be equipped to dispute this dangerous worldview.
For more on the topic, be sure to check out Hank’s updated article “What is the Secret?” in the most recent edition of the Christian Research Journal.
Other related articles:
What is the Secret? by Hank Hanegraaff a previous version
The Secret Revealed by Robert Velarde
Postmodern Realities Episode 286 Trusting Jesus in a Universe that Doesn’t Have Your Back: A Christian Looks at Manifesting, which discusses similar topics and discusses Anne Kennedy article the most recent edition of the Christian Research Journal on this topic.
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