In an era when truth is eroding in favor of whatever feels best, the work of good philosophers such as Dr. James Anderson is invaluable. His book What’s Your Worldview? An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions employs a similar formula to the “choose your own adventure” book genre in order to systematically discover your worldview. This is a fun way to address a critical issue as we exist in a syncretistic society where individuals are often unaware of the inconsistencies of their worldview or that they hold to a worldview at all.

Topics discussed include: what are worldviews, and why do they matter? (7:30); why Anderson wrote a “choose your own adventure” style book to help people become more aware of their worldview and to think critically about them (9:45); how do people develop their worldview? (13:20); how do Christians handle the transgender revolution without being bullied into submission (15:25); are Christians failing to believe that we can change the culture? (19:10); atheist philosophers such as Alex Rosenburg and the self-defeating worldview of a consistent atheist (21:50); the difference between scientific and scientistic (24:15); the recent phenomenon of using consensus science to bully people to buy into believing particular paradigms (26:05); discussing global warming and whether or not we know for certain that CO2 emissions are bad for the planet (31:30); the irony of atheists that make truth claims to claim that there is no truth (33:40); discussing Anderson’s article from the Christian Research Journal titled “The Internal Testimony of the Holy Spirit: How Do You Know That the Bible Is God’s Word?” (39:00); is there a universal mandate for Christians to be able to give an apologetic defense of their faith? (45:25); the argument from contingency and why anything exists at all? (49:15); do objective values presuppose a transcendent good? (51:25); Joel Marx renouncing his morality and becoming an amoralist after years of writing The New Yorker column titled Moral Moments (56:00); the argument from reason that our ability to reason presupposes the existence of God (58:00); the idea of apathy, or apatheism, in our world today and how we can awaken indifferent individuals by appealing to their passions and interests (1:03:00); the Kavanaugh hearing as evidence of the erosion of the presumption of innocence in favor of the dangerous precedent of allowing our tribal affiliations to trump truth (1:05:45); Anderson’s passion for intense study that subsequently allows him to equip students with truth (1:08:20); why should we study philosophy; and what are the benefits of being philosophically trained? (1:11:15); how theology points us to an experience with God (1:12:50); remembering R. C. Sproul (1:14:10).

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