We are all familiar with the term fake news. It’s time to become familiar with the term “fake science,” or zombie science, as Dr. Jonathan Wells calls it. Zombie science is an extremely popular postempirical science — motivated by materialism. While zombies are make-believe, zombie science is real — and it threatens not just science but our whole culture. This Hank Unplugged podcast features a conversation between Hank Hanegraaff and Dr. Jonathan Wells on how to defeat this zombie science.
Topics discussed include: what is zombie science? (3:30); the price to pay for taking stands against the status quo of materialism and Darwinian evolution in the scientific arena (10:30); examining various icons of evolution like Darwin’s tree of life (17:30); why has the war on Intelligent Design become so ferocious? (31:30); the miracle of metamorphosis (36:20); the strong scientific commitment to materialism (41:00); what is the myth of junk DNA? (45:30); the unnecessary idolization of Charles Darwin (49:30); the problem with making DNA the answer to everything (51:30); examples of zombie science (54:00); the threat to religion presented when materialism is masquerading as empirical science (1:04:00).
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