Last December I found myself preparing to address several hundred pastors at a luncheon in San Diego, California. As I brought this matter to the Lord in prayer I became convinced that my subject should simply be titled “Rewards.” While enduring rewards in eternity are not often the subject of contemporary sermons, they were a constant theme in the sermons of Christ.
As I pondered the theme of my monthly ministry letter I thought back to my message to those pastors in San Diego and decided to make the recording of my message, as well as a booklet titled “Rewards” available to those who regularly pray for and support the ministry of the Christian Research Institute. The more I think about this message the more I’m convinced of both its timeliness and timelessness. Indeed, it reflects the essence of my heart and the essence of this ministry. In increasingly difficult economic times it is so crucial that we raise our gaze from earthly vanities to eternal verities, to recognize afresh that what we do now counts for all eternity. In the end this message and the booklet is my way of saying thank you to thousands who regularly invest in our ministry – not for what they can get, but because they’re so deeply committed to touching the lives of fellow human beings for time and for eternity.
A while ago on this broadcast there was a man whose name was Paul. He said he’d never got a straight answer to his questions on euthanasia. Anyone listening in that day recognizes that this was not just an academic exercise for Paul. He was suffering and entertaining the notion of perhaps ending it all. That’s why he was asking about euthanasia. Through the medium of live radio I had an incredible opportunity to directly and personally minister to Paul in a matter of life and death. You can listen to this call at and as you do realize that this is just one of thousands of testimonies that are made possible by faithful friends like you. I say it often, but it bears repeating: only from the perspective of eternity will you fully realize how your sacrifice has been used for the extension of His kingdom. I love what Paul says in this regard. He said this to Christians at Colossae: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.”
All of that is my way of saying thank you for what you do to make this broadcast and this ministry a reality. Since moving from California we have faced some economic difficulties of our own. I’ve mentioned this to people on the radio and you are responding. We need you to continue responding so that we can remain strong.
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