Polling has shown that over a third of millennials approve of communism while socialism increasingly appeals to many young people in Western countries. This is a shocking development for those who have lived through the horrors of communism in places like China—people like Bob Fu. Dr. Bob Fu is the president of ChinaAid and one of the leading voices in the world for persecuted faith communities in China. Fu was born and raised in China and was a leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for freedom and democracy in 1989. Bob Fu joins Hank Hanegraaff to discuss his escape from communist China and his continued fight against religious persecution and defense of religious liberty.

Topics discussed include: Bob Fu recalls the poverty his early life in Communist China (3:00); Bob Fu recalls his time as a leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for freedom and democracy in 1989 and how the massacre has actually led many Chinese people to Christ (10:00); how Bob Fu became known as God’s Double Agent (17:00); the biggest political crime of the 20th century according to Bob Fu  (19:00); the connection between the forced abortions in China and Chinese women having the highest rate of suicide in the world (22:45); Bob Fu’s experience in a Chinese prison and how it impacted his theology (27:15); how Bob Fu miraculously escaped China (38:30); how Bob Fu founded ChinaAid to help the persecuted church in China (40:10); the increased persecution of Christians in China in the name of Sinicization—the process by which non-Chinese societies come under the influence of Chinese culture by the government (46:30); facial recognition technology, the social credit system and the growing police state in China that Bob Fu calls digital authoritarianism (55:25); the difference between the house church movement in China and the Communist Chinese government controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement (1:01:10); how China is trying to silence Bob Fu and why many Western countries and corporations, such as the NBA and Hollywood, are turning a blind eye to China and religious persecution due to the economic implications (1:07:30); as Christianity continues to grow in China despite intense persecution, should we be more concerned about growing apathy of many Christians in the West? (1:16:20); the growing support for communism and socialism among young people in the West (1:21:45).  

Please be sure to see the documentary “The Power of Persecuted Church” featuring Bob Fu below.

For more information on receiving Bob Fu’s book God’s Double Agent for your partnering gift please click here. 


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