Hank sits down with his eldest son David to reflect on his journey through Mantle Cell Lymphoma, his recent allogeneic stem cell transplant, and spiritual surgery. God is not interested in healing us physically; He is interested in healing the whole of us — body, soul, and spirit. God’s providence and glory are clearly manifest in Hank’s journey.

Topics discussed include:  Hank’s son David wrote a remarkable personal reflection (0:30); David was used by the Lord to save his father’s life, and Hank recounts his recent experience with his allogeneic stem cell transplant (1:45); Hank’s dear friend Donny: “God’s got you” (2:45); in the intensive care unit (4:10); a further miraculous word from the Lord through friend Ramsey: “God’s got you” (5:00); after the ICU, Hank could no longer take care of himself — a transformational coming to the end of himself (7:15); God’s providential work (8:40); the Lord’s timing is perfect as Hank approaches 100 days post–transplant (9:45); David asks Hank to speak to the coincidence of his cancer diagnosis and his formal entrance into Orthodoxy in April 2017 (10:15); doctrine of deification (10:50); Luther and deification (12:55); Hank increasingly troubled with his own spiritual condition (14:20); beginning to explore Eastern Orthodoxy (16:45); Orthodox liturgy is God-centered (18:55); finding home at St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church (19:15); Hank says no to family’s request to attend Orthodox church (20:15); Kathy loves it (22:20); the Eucharist is “the medicine of immortality” (Ignatius) (23:05); “truth matters, life matters more” motivates study of Orthodoxy (24:00); Chrismated April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday (24:20); finally able to partake of the Eucharist (25:00); next day headlines read, “Hanegraaff leaves the Christian Faith” (25:30); six days later, diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (26:00); allogeneic stem cell transplant and E. coli infection (27:10); transformational book The Theology of Illness by Jean-Claude Larchet (28:10); honestly thankful for cancer and spiritual surgery (29:10); God is not knowable in His essence, we know God by His energies (32:40); deification is a scary word with an even scarier definition (33:30); Hank self-reliant (34:10); “I’ve never seen my father closer to Christ” (35:55); Hank comes to an end of himself (36:10); dear friend Elijah and “truth matters, life matters more” (38:30); the menu is not the meal (41:15); meaning of the Eucharist (42:40); the larger arch from creation to deification, and the smaller arch from the fall to salvation (43:20); wrong sense of deification (44:40); the Tree of Life — Christ (45:30); salvation transcends transaction, pointing to transformation and union with God (48:30).

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