On this edition of Hank Unplugged Hank Hanegraaff is joined by Yelena Popovic, Metropolitan Cleopas and Christopher Tripoulas to discuss the film Man of God,  written and directed by Yelena Popovic. Man of God was released internationally in 2021 and will have exclusive viewings in the United States on March 21st and 28th 2022.

Exiled unjustly, convicted without a trial, slandered without cause. The life of St. Nektarios of Aegina was one of persecution and prosecution. A priest of the common people, his popularity provoked the jealousy of the clergy in Alexandria and as a result, he was defrocked and expelled from Egypt. In contrast to his religious “superiors”, Nektarios cared for the poor, taught peasant girls to read and write, and performed miracles. Even his last moment on earth was used to help another: upon his death, Nektarios’ undergarment was removed, and as it fell upon a paralyzed man in the hospital bed next to him, the lame man arose to walk. So, too, do we hope Man of God will awaken the paralyzed faith in audiences around the world.

To view the trailer for Man of God, see below or click here.

For showtimes near you, please click here.

Topics discussed include: Hank Hanegraaff describes his personal relationship to St. Nektarios (0:30); the inspiration behind making a movie about a modern saint-St. Nektarios (7:00); it is easier to portray evil than good-the challenge of playing the goodness in St. Nektarios (12:50); the significance of St. Nektarios (14:30); how should we respond to slander and persecution? (18:55); experiencing spiritual warfare (23:15); the life and ministry of St. Nektarios (26:15); the reality of miracles and God’s presence in our daily lives (29:40); what is the significance of the relics of Saints? (34:40); healing and healthcare (40:55); the corruption of power, even in the Church (43:45); the exceptional education and intellectual sophistication of St. Nektarios (48:45); the importance of almsgiving and caring for the poor and suffering (53:00); living our lives with an eternal perspective as evidenced by the life and ministry of St. Nektarios (1:01:35); persecution and turning the other cheek (1:07:05); a powerful miracle associated with St. Nektarios (1:11:00); is there still a stigma associated with St. Nektarios as a result of the accusations against him during his life? (1:13:30); how to watch the film Man of God (1:23:20).


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