It seems most discussions about modesty in the Christian world acknowledge the idea that a woman is not entirely responsible for a man’s lustful thoughts. However, the discussion then inevitably focuses on what is appropriate for a woman to wear to help the men around her not to stumble. As one popular blogger stated in a disclaimer, “Women are NOT at fault for men struggling with lust, but women can help their brothers in this battle by dressing in ways that are modest and pure.” Women frequently are confronted with a list of clothing rules for what is modest and modesty police ready to confront those who do not comply. What starts out focusing on the inside of a man’s heart devolves into an argument about whether yoga pants or a bare midriff is ever acceptable.

This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Richard J. Poupard about his 38:4 article, “Modesty, Objectivism, and Human Value“.

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