COVID-19 has been incredibly costly — it has cost millions of people their jobs, thousands of people their lives, and has changed the shape of our lives in countless ways. In the midst of all the anxiety and uncertainty, it can be difficult to stay hopeful. However, if Christians really believe that God works all things together for good for those who love Him (Rom. 8:28), we should expect God to provide us opportunities to grow in our relationship to Him. One of the clearest good things that has arisen out of COVID-19 is the amount of time families spend together. Time, however, is beneficial only when put to good use. This episode is a conversation with JOURNAL author Drew Dixon about five ways Christians can promote spiritual health and disciple in their family during this pandemic.

This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Drew Dixon about his online-exclusive article, “Five Ways to Disciple Your Family During the Pandemic.”

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