Are humans alone in the cosmos, or does some Divine Being watch over our lives? Is there a God who loves us, or are we left to ourselves? And how might human evil affect our ability to give an answer? Such questions arise from Cormac McCarthy’s 2006 Pulizter Prize–winning, postapocalyptic novel The Road, a story in which the evil that has ruined the world is entirely the fault of humans.
By juxtaposing moments of faith and despair, McCarthy reveals just how potent is the human capacity to affect human faith. A world in which humans have mostly wiped each other out, a world so dead that we can hardly imagine it will ever regenerate, makes belief in God very difficult. Why should Christians read McCarthy’s work? What is the apologetic value of The Road?
This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Stephen Mitchell about his online-exclusive Christian Research Journal feature article “Questing for Divine Love: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.”
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Other articles and Postmodern Realities by this author:
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Humanity Crucified: Hemingway and the Human Condition
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The Sting of Death: Albert Camus and the Fight for Life
Reading My Favorite Atheists: Ivan, Raskolnikov, and Kirilov