“Nothing is the great dread that threads Ernest Hemingway’s literary work. Most of his characters believe that nothing awaits them at death. Their machismo is a stance that both accepts and defies life’s collapse into nothing. For Hemingway, it is Christ crucified and not Christ resurrected that holds interest. His work demonstrates that this world leaves each human, ultimately, alone.”
ThisPostmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Stephen Mitchell about his article Humanity Crucified: Hemingway and the Human Condition.“
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Literary apologetics articles by this author:
The Sting of Death: Albert Camus and the Fight for Life
Rejoicing over Owls: Thoreau and the Gift of Being
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Confronts the Grand Inquisitor
Episode 045: Alexander Solzhenitsyn Confronts the Grand Inquisitor
Questing for Divine Love-Cormac McCarthy’s The Road
Episode 135-Questing for Divine Love-Cormac McCarthy’s The Road