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on Church History, Islam and the Trinity

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CRI Resource: Empire of God:
How the Byzantines Saved Civilization
The Palestinian Delusion:
The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process
What You Need to Know About
the World’s Fastest Growing Religion
Choice of 2
Choice of 3
All Six
When the Church Was Young:
Voices of the Early Fathers and
Church History in Plain Language
Life in the Trinity:
An Introduction to Theology
with the Help of the Church Fathers
Delighting in the Trinity:
An Introduction to the Christian Faith
Resource Descriptions:
Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization
by Robert Spencer
Without the Byzantine Empire, there never would have been Western civilization.
Western civilization is generally regarded as the child of Athens, Jerusalem, and Rome. That is, in the West, our philosophical and political thought is derived from that of the ancient Greeks; our Christian religion comes from the Jewish religion, and both of these came to us via the Roman Empire and the civilization and culture it created.
Western society has other forefathers as well: we would be unwise to give the Byzantine Empire short shrift. The ways in which it has influenced our world for the good, and indeed, created the parameters of our society at its healthiest and strongest, are insufficiently appreciated today. In its confusion, uncertainty, and lack of direction, the West has lost its way. There is a great deal it can, and should, learn from Byzantium.
If the United States were to last as long as the Roman Empire, including its Byzantine period, it would have to continue as an independent country, with political and cultural continuity, until the year 2899. To maintain a unified nation state for over eleven hundred years is a remarkable achievement by any standard, and the Romans accomplished it while facing existential threats and efforts to extinguish their polity during virtually every period of their existence. Now, nearly six hundred years after the demise of the empire, its influence still resonates in a number of fields, albeit almost entirely unnoticed and unappreciated.
There is no arguing with success. It’s time we took notice
The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process
by Robert Spencer
Every negotiated settlement between the State of Israel and its Palestinian adversaries has failed to establish a stable and lasting peace. The Palestinian Delusion offers a general overview of the Zionist settlement of Palestine, the establishment of the State of Israel, and the Arab Muslim reaction to these events. It explores the dramatic and little-known history of the various peace efforts—showing how and why they invariably broke down or failed to be implemented fully. The Palestinian Delusion also provides shocking evidence from the Palestinian media, as well as statements from the Palestinian leadership, showing that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians will never work. The reality is that the Islamic doctrines of Jihad have been responsible for the entire problem from the beginning.
MUSLIM: What You Need to Know About the World’s Fastest-Growing Religion
by Hank Hanegraaff
Is Islam a peaceful and tolerant religion? Islam is not a religion in the sanitized Western sense. It is, in contrast, an all-encompassing sociopolitical legal matrix that has bred a worldview antagonistic to anything but itself. While there may be millions of peaceful and tolerant Muslims, many of them our neighbors, Islam itself is hardly peaceful and tolerant. Islam is the only significant religious system in history with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against the infidel—thus, the grave specter of global Islamic jihadism exacting genocide and ever-multiplying terrorist attacks throughout the world. The conflict between Islam and the West is not going to die down or fade away. With Muslim, Christians can equip themselves and others to stand unwavering in the truth of Christ
When the Church Was Young: Voices of the Early Fathers
by Marcellino D’Ambrosio
If the word Trinity isn’t in Scripture, why is it such an important part of our faith? And if the Bible can be interpreted in many ways, how do we know what to make of it? And who decided what should be in the Bible anyway?
The Church Fathers provide the answers. These brilliant, embattled, and sometimes eccentric men defined the biblical canon, hammered out the Creed, and gave us our understanding of sacraments and salvation. It is they who preserved for us the rich legacy of the early Church.
D’Ambrosio dusts off the dry theology and brings you the exciting stories and great heroes such as Ambrose, Augustine, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, and Jerome. This page-turner will inspire and challenge you with the lives and insights of these seminal teachers from when the Church was young.
Life in the Trinity: An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers
by Donald Fairbairn
Although introductions to Christian theology often refer to its biblical foundations, seldom is much attention paid to the key insights the early church had into the nature of Christian faith and life. Donald Fairbairn takes us back to those biblical roots and to the central convictions of the early church, especially in our understanding of God as Trinity, the person of Christ, and the nature of our salvation as sharing in the Son’s relationship to the Father. Fairbairn integrates “the various truths of Christianity around a single theme that has been articulated clearly by some of the greatest theologians of the early church. This theme is the relationship between God the Father and God the Son, a relationship in which believers share as we are united to God by the Holy Spirit.” Fairbairn goes on to show that “the conviction of many of the church fathers was that all of Christian life was meant to be a reflection of and participation in that central relationship between the Father and the Son.”
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith
by Michael Reeves
Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity. Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity. How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.
In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God — Father, Son and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith.
With wit and clarity, Reeves draws from church history down to the present, references a wide range of notable teachers and preachers, and provides a rich and enjoyable portrayal of the basic beliefs of Christianity that opens up the profound and life-changing truths of our faith.