
Greatest Apologetic Issues Answered in Hank Hanegraaff’s Trilogy

Original price was: $ 49.99.Current price is: $ 39.99.

Has God Spoken? Hardcover

Format Hardcover
Number of Pages: 382
Author Hank Hanegraaff

Only 3 left in stock (can be backordered)


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The F.A.C.E. That Demonstrates The Farce Of Evolution

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Unlocking Messianic Prophecies

Volume: 34
Issue: 04
Year: 2011

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SKU: PK1000 Categories: ,



This package contains all three of Hank Hanegraaff’s books written to address the three greatest apologetics issues.

Package consists of:

  • Has God Spoken, hardcover, 382 pages
  • Resurrection, softcover, 282 pages
  • The FACE That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, softcover, 238 pages,
  • The issue of the Christian Research Journal containing Hank Hanegraaff’s article on Has God Spoken?

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Weight 45 oz

Has God Spoken? Hardcover

Weight 20 oz


Weight 13 oz

The F.A.C.E. That Demonstrates The Farce Of Evolution

Weight 10 oz

Unlocking Messianic Prophecies

Weight 6 oz