Featured Resources

Equipping Resources

Spring/Summer 2024 


Please see options  below on  how to

receive one, two, three, four, or all seven resources

for your partnering gift

and product descriptions!


(Please note when selecting choices, please make your first choice the item most near the top of the list and  so on for other choices. For instance, if you want options 2, 4, and 6 select them in that order as choice 1 is option 2, choice 2 is option 4, choice 3 is option 6. If you attempt to put option 6 as the first choice it may not let you get the combinations you want. We’ve attempted to provide the most popular combinations that could be selected. If there a specific combination you want that isn’t listed. You can make a corresponding $60 for two, $80 for 3 or $100 for four donation by clicking here and going to  “Donate, Make a Donation, My Equipping Gift tab”  and then email us at [email protected] your selections and we will verify the donation and process the resources chosen.)

The Complete Bible Answer Book: Collector’s Edition: Revised and Expanded (released 2024)

The Truth in True Crime:

What Investigating Death Teaches Us about the Meaning of Life

Spring/Summer 2024-choice of 2

Spring/Summer 2024-choice of 3

Spring/Summer 2024-choice of 4

Spring/Summer-All 6


Minimum For This Selection: $ 175.00

Rediscovering the Goodness of Creation: A Manual for Recovering Gnostics 


World Religions in Seven
Sentences: A Small Introduction
to a Vast Topic

The Human Advantage: The Future
of American Work in an Age of
Smart Machines


Minimum For This Selection: $ 30.00

The Apocalypse Code:

Find out What the Bible Really Says About the End Times and Why It Matters Today

Resource Descriptions:

The Complete Bible Answer Book  :Collector’s Edition, Revised and Expanded by Hank Hanegraaff (2024)

Each question is answered in Hank’s scholarly yet approachable style.

We all have questions about the Bible — whether we have read it or not. Join the more than half a million people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers
about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God’s Word says about current issues.

  • What distinguishes Christianity from other religions?
  • What is the meaning of 666?
  • Are there contradictory creation accounts in the Bible?
  • Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

This comprehensive guide covers more than 210 of the top questions people have asked Bible teacher and theologian Hank Hanegraaff, aka the Bible Answer Man, over the last 40
years. Revised and expanded topics include:

  • creation and our existence
  • basic apologetics
  • ethics
  • spiritual gifts
  • the secret to effective prayers
  • religions and cults
  • the resurrection and afterlife
  • and many more issues vital to a better understanding of God and living a spiritually nourishing life.


The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us about the Meaning of Life by J. Warner Wallace

Explore fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

For decades, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace investigated the causes behind deaths and murders, chasing one lead after another as he attempted to solve the case. In the process, he realized these investigations also revealed profound truths of human nature: what’s important to us, what threatens our well-being, and what causes us to flourish. Join Wallace as he investigates life lessons he learned as a detective, so that you can better understand your own identity and the identity of your Creator and rethink the nature of death so you can live a better life.

Rediscovering the Goodness of Creation: A Manual for Recovering Gnostics by by Robin Phillips

Do our physical experiences on Earth matter?

From the beginning of Creation and through the twists and turns of redemption history, God’s plan has been to bring the world to perfection under the loving
stewardship of men and women. Thus, the material world is not evil, as the heresy of Gnosticism taught ― nor will the Earth be destroyed, as so much of modern Christianity teaches. Rather, the Orthodox Christian hope is that this Earth, like our physical bodies, will one day be resurrected. Understanding God’s purposes for the material world gives meaning to our present-day engagement with ecology, culture, art, worship, social justice, and asceticism.


World Religions in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic by Douglas Groothuis

Understanding the beliefs and practices of other faiths is essential not just to the task of interreligious dialogue, but also to grasping one’s own faith.

With a sympathetic but not uncritical approach, philosopher Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence representing each of several world religions as a way to open readers to their depth and complexity:

Atheism:“ God Is Dead.”
Judaism: “I Am Who I Am.”
Hinduism: “ You Are That.”
Buddhism: “Life Is Suffering.”
Daoism: “The Dao That Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao.”
Christianity: “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”
Islam: “There Is One God, and Muhammad Is His Prophet.”

​​​The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines by Jay W. Richards

Are you worried about artificial intelligence? You’re not alone.

Pop-culture pummels us with images of intelligent machines overtaking humans. Transhumanists believe that humans are merely machines and that artificial intelligence is the next step in our evolution. Philosopher Jay Richards dispels these dystopian tales and explains why we should be far more hopeful than fearful about our future on account of what he calls “the human advantage.” By dispelling myths about capitalism, greed, and upward mobility, Dr. Richards reveals how to rebuild a culture of virtue by capitalizing on the skills that are most uniquely human: creativity, resilience, and empathy for the needs of others.

The Apocalypse Code: Find Out What the Bible Really Says About the End Times…and Why It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff

Hank shows that the key to understanding the last book of the Bible is all the other books of the Bible — not current events or recent history.

Hank offers sane answers to very controversial questions: What does it mean to take the book of Revelation (and the rest of the Bible) literally? Who are the “Antichrist” and the “Great Whore of Babylon,” and what is the real meaning of “666”? Will the Lord Jesus come back secretly and silently to rapture His church? How does our view of the end times change the way we think about the crisis in the Middle East?