The Prayer of Jesus – Softcover with Study Guide

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Honored as a top 10 best-selling nonfiction book in both 2001 and 2002 by the Christian Bookseller’s Association. “The disciples circle around Jesus, urgency sketched on their faces. One of them, perhaps Peter, blurts out…’Lord, teach us now to pray!’ He had watched Jesus withdraw to secluded places and marveled at his serenity afterward. He did not know what made Jesus’ face seem to glow, but he knew one thing: Whatever it was, he wanted it, and he wanted it now! Jesus smiled. The time had come for him to unveil the secret. The prayer of Jesus revolutionized their lives. It can revolutionize yours as well!”

What are the secrets to real intimacy with God? Best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff desires to take people to the next level in understanding the mystery of prayer. How? By delving into the prayers of One who is the cornerstone of our faith, Jesus Christ. In this new paperback edition, readers will learn Jesus’ seven-fold secret of prayer as found in His own words.

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